Ringkasan Mingguan

  • Welcome


    Universitas Negeri Makassar, Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra, Program Studi Sastra Inggris

    Discourse Analysis: 15E22C504

    Bobot 2 SKS

    Mata Kuliah Wajib Semester V


         Discourse Analysis is a linguistics course that is a compulsory course for students. The focus of its studies is to provide insight and knowledge to students about the study of discourse analysis as one of the fields of linguistics study. After participating in discourse analysis courses, students are able to know and develop the science of methods of analyzing qualitative data with the discourse analysis interpretation approach in language and literary research and able to apply it in the study of related language and literary research. The implementation of lectures using an integrative approach with lecture methods, discussions, problem solving, case studies and project based learning, To find out the level of student mastery of lecture material, evaluation is carried out on attendance, participation, quizzes and assignments.


    1.     Introduction to Discourse Analysis

    2.     Concepts and Approaches in Discourse Analysis

    3.     Disciplines in Discourse Analysis

    4.     Areas and Issues in Discourse Analysis

    5.     Methods in doing Discourse Analysis

    6.     Samples of Discourse Analysis

    7.     Articles in the work of Discourse Analysis

    8.     Topics for Discourse Analysis

    9.     Collection of Data in Discourse Analysis

    10.   Transcription and Extracts

    11.   Interpreting in Discourse Analysis

    12.   Article Writing of the Topic in Discourse Analysis

    13. Presentation of the Work in Discourse Analysis


    1. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan Concepts and Approaches in DA

    2. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan Disciplines in DA

    3. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan Areas and Issues in DA

    4. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskanMethods in doing DA

    5. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan Samples of DA

    6. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan Articles in the work of DA

    7. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskanTopics for DA

    8. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan Collection of Data

    9. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan Transcription and Extracts

    10. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan Interpreting

    11. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan Presentation of the Work in DA


    Level dalam Taxonomy Bloom yaitu pada tingkatan sintesis dan evaluasi.

    Pada tahap sintesis, mahasiswa diharapkan memiliki kemampuan dalam merangkai atau menyusun kembali komponen-komponen dalam rangka menciptakan arti/pemahaman/struktur baru. Project mahasiswa pada akhir perkuliahan adalah menyusun mini riset yang berkaitan dengan pembahasan dan elaborasi pada teori-teori terkait yang dibahas. Sedangkan pada level evaluasi, mahasiswa diharapkan memiliki kemampuan mengevaluasi dan menilai sesuatu berdasarkan norma, acuan atau kriteria. Pada project akhir mahasiswa, mereka diharapkan menyusun mini riset dengan mengevaluasi hasil data yang didapatkan dengan sudut pandang norma, acuan atau kriteria yang telah ditetapkan sesuai dengan hasil diskusi dan pembahasan bersama dosen.

  • Introduction to Discourse

  • What Is Discourse Analysis

    Welcome students... I hope you are all doing well and ready for our first lesson. In this meeting, we will discuss about What is discourse and Discourse Analysis.

    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    Setelah mempelajari materi ini, Anda diharapkan dapat memahami, menjelaskan kembali dan memberikan contoh what is discourse analysis.

  • Virtual Sit-In Class Discourse Analysis

    Hello students, Welcome to our third meeting. I hope you are all in a good health and ready for our lesson. In this meeting, we will have a live zoom meeting with our Guest Lecturer ,Dr. Michele ZappavignaShe is from University of New South Wales, and We will disscuss about Discourse Analysis in Social Media with her.

    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    Setelah mempelajari materi ini secara daring, Anda diharapkan mampu mengkaji Topics for DA

  • Concepts and Approaches in Discourse Analysis

    Welcome.. I hope you are all doing well and ready for our lesson. In this meeting, we will discuss concepts and approaches in doing discourse analysis.

    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan perbedaan antara Concepts and Approaches in DA

  • Disciplines of Discourse Analysis

    Welcome to our course. I hope you are all in a good health and ready for our lesson. In this meeting, we will learn some disciplines of discourse analysis  .

    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    Setelah mempelajari materi ini secara daring, Anda diharapkan mampu  menjelaskan Disciplines in DA

  • Issues in Discourse Analysis

    Hi, welcome back. Nice to see you again. I wish you're all in a good health and ready to start our  lesson. In this lesson, we will discuss about issues in discourse analysis.

    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    Setelah mempelajari materi ini secara daring, Anda diharapkan mampu menjelaskan Areas and Issues in DA

  • Areas in discourse analysis

    Welcome.. I hope you are all doing well and ready for our lesson. In this meeting, we will discuss areas in discourse analysis

    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    Setelah mempelajari materi ini secara daring, Anda diharapkan dapat menjelaskan Areas and Issues in DA

  • Methods of Discourse Analysis

    Welcome.. I hope you are all doing well and ready for our lesson. In this meeting, we will discuss methods of discourse analysis.

    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    Setelah mempelajari materi ini secara daring, Anda diharapkan dapat  menjelaskan Methods in doing DA

  • Discourse Data: Spoken and Written

  • Preparing Analysis

  • Discourse Analysis in Social Media

    Hi, welcome back. Nice to see you again. I wish you're all in a good health and ready to start our next topic. In this session, you will try to analyze some posts from Instagram and Facebook.

    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis articles in the works of discourse analysis.

  • Topics for Discourse Analysis

    Hi, welcome back. Nice to see you again. I wish you're all in a good health and ready to start our  lesson. After watching all videos and read the book, now in this session, you will start to do your  mini research of discourse analysis. So, today you have to find what topics you will analyze and what teory you will use in your project.

    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    Setelah mempelajari materi ini secara daring, Anda diharapkan mampu  membuat Topics for discourse analysis

  • Collection of Data

    Hello students, I wish you're all in a good health and ready to start our  lesson. After  find out  the  topic and theory  that you will use in your project, in this session you will collect the data for your project.

    Capaian Pembelajaran:

    Mahasiswa mampu mengkaji dengan baik Collection of Data