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COVER 1_Writing for General Purposes oleh Fitri Aprianti
Writing for General Purposes is a course that aims to exceed the students’ competence in terms of mastery of the theory and practice of writing in English for General Communication or Purposes. In this course, students are trained to use basic writing skills developed in writing courses to produce writing in the genres of descriptive, instruction, recounts, and narrative that are organized, integrated, and directed. Each student will produce one piece of writing from each genre or text type studied and then document it in a writing portfolio. To achieve this goal, this course combines writing theory that is in line with practice. The activity of discussing theory and practice is also a dominant learning activity in WGP Class.
Find the Lesson Plan: It is critical that you read the lesson plan of writing for general purposes couse. The lesson plan (RPS) is provided in a form of document. Therefore, please click on the relevant link to access the lesson plan.
Review the Lesson Plan: Open the lesson plan and carefully read through its contents. It will provide an overview of what you will be learning, including topics, assignments, deadlines, and any other essential information.
The learning objectives of the course are as follow.
- The students are able to understand and explain the process of communication, the concept of genre-based writing, and the concept of writing with a process approach.
- The students are able to identify and analyze the structure of the classbook as part of the functional text which consists of 4 main components, namely descriptive, instructional, argumentative and advertisement text.
- The students are able to identify and analyze the social function, schematic structure, and linguistic features of the four genres that form the structure of the classbook.
- The students are able to understand the social function, the structure, and language features as well as able to write the text from the genre of describing text as part of the classbook.
- The students are able to understand the social function, the structure, and language features as well as able to write the text from the genre of instructing text as part of the classbook.
- The students are able to understand the social function, the structure, and language features as well as able to write the text from the genre of arguing text as part of the classbook.
- The students are able to provide feedback and assess the quality of a text (peer-assessment) and present the results in a workshop.
- The students are able to reflect on learning processes and products.
In addition, here is the brief instruction on how to access, navigate, and explore the Writing for General Purposes course in SPADA.- Login to SPADA LMS: Access the SPADA Learning Management System using your university credentials. If you are unsure how to log in, contact your university's IT support or follow provided login instructions.
- Select the "Writing for General Purposes" Course: Once logged in, locate the course by accessing the RPS (Lesson Plan) of the course.
- Navigate to the Course Content/Materials: The course content will be provided in 16 Meetings. The learning materials are provided in the form of modules, videos, and articles.
- Explore the Four Genres: In this section, you will find information about the four genres: describing, instructing, arguing, and advertising. Review the provided materials, which may include guidelines, examples, or assignments related to each genre.
- Follow “The Learning Cycle" Section: The course content is focused on the four genres (describing, instructing, arguing, and advertising). Within the course content, you will find specific “Learning Cycle". Click on this section to access the specific information related to the course structure.
- Learn about the Learning Cycle: Understand the learning cycle of the course, which includes the following phases:
- Start from Yourself: This phase likely involves self-assessment, goal setting, or reflection on your own writing skills and preferences.
- Concept Exploration: Explore the concepts and principles associated with each genre through course materials, readings, or resources provided.
- Collaboration Room: Participate in collaborative activities, discussions, or group work to practice and refine your writing skills in each genre.
- Reflection: Reflect on your learning experiences, the feedback received, and your progress in the course.
- Participate Actively: Engage actively in each phase of the learning cycle and complete assignments, discussions, and activities as instructed by your course instructor.
- Seek Help and Clarification: If you have questions or need clarification at any point, reach out to your course instructor or use any available discussion forums or communication tools within the LMS.
- Check for Updates: Regularly check the course content for updates, announcements, and assignment due dates to stay on track with your learning.
Remember that the specific layout and features of SPADA to your university's LMS may vary, so if you encounter any difficulties, consult with your university's IT support or check the LMS's help resources for additional guidance.
Please access the following references to support you in Writing for General Purposes Class.
Derewianka, B. (2011). Exploring How Texts Work. English Teacher Association: Australia
Knapp, P. & Waktins, M. (2016). Genre, Text, Grammar (Technologies for Assessing Writing). NSAW: Sydney
Aprianti F. (2017) EFL teachers’ perceptions on ICT use for continuing. Journal of English Language Teaching and Technology;1(1):12–21. https://doi.org/10.17509/elt%20tech.v1i1.9427
Aprianti, F., & Winarto, E. (2021). Developing Learner Autonomy in Writing Through the Use of E-Portfolio. ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education, 10(1), 49–60.
Follow this link to join the chatgroup for Writing for General Purposes Class.
WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EXTI0ATaYKN7YYUVaIZk5c
To help you perform your best work, herewith I provided the scoring rubric for each of the project.
Fitri Aprianti is a dedicated lecturer with a deep passion for writing and translation. With the knowledge and experience in these fields, she excels in imparting her expertise to her students. Fitri's enthusiasm for writing and translation is infectious, inspiring her students to explore and master the intricacies of language and communication. Her commitment to fostering linguistic skills and creativity makes her an invaluable asset to the academic community and a source of inspiration for aspiring writers and translators.
The synchronous meeting will be conducted in every first meeting of every project that you do. Thus, for our synchronous meeting you can kindly access the following link: https://meet.google.com/hpk-xpei-rmf
Dear Class, I believe that you are familiar with the terms writing process and types of text. These two terms are often introduced to the students even in the early stages of learning.
In your opinion, why is the writing process important? Does following a writing process make you Write Better, Easier, or Faster? Do you know the different types of text? Does knowing the text types help you write effectively in different situations?
Well class, in this meeting, we shall explore your experience in writing. Furthermore, you will also explore the writing process and the types of text that are going to be used in the Writing for General Purposes Class.
Class, in this meeting you will have four learning cycles. Those are: Start with Yourself, Concept Exploration, Collaboration, and Stop & Reflect.
Start with Yourself
Start with you is a step where you will express your background knowledge about the topic
Concept Exploration
Concept exploration will lead you into identifying and exploring the promising and feasible ways of creating the writing project.
Collaboration Room
In collaboration room you will be working together as a team to solve problem that will eventually lead to the development of higher-level thinking, self-management, and leadership skills.
Stop and Reflect
Reflection can assist you to develop your writing skills, to better understand the topic you are studying, and to enable you to review your learning progress.
Therefore, please kindly follow the steps.
The students are able to express their experience and background knowledge about writing process and types of text.
Welcome to the first meeting of Writing for General Purposes Class. Remember that in this course you are expected to produce projects in the genre of describing, instructing, arguing, and persuading. In order to be able to write excellent process, you may want to follow writing process. Therefore, in this meeting you shall explore the nature of writing as a process and the types of text. Therefore, let's start the cycle of learning in the first meeting by following the stage: “Start with Yourself”. The rationale and the leading questions are presented in the following image.
Use the link provided in this section to express your opinion about writing process and text types.1st Meeting Start With You oleh Fitri Aprianti
The students watch the video about writing process.
The students recognize the cycle of writing process.
Following a writing process will help you break your writing tasks into manageable parts, making the work less intimidating. As a result, you're less likely to experience writer's block. It could also aid in reducing the anxiety and stress that comes with writing.
Access the link to get to the video about the writing process.
1st Meeting-Concept Exploration oleh Fitri ApriantiWRITING PROCESS
The students skim through the writing process and text type module.
The students understand the conventions and structures of the many different text types
Class, did you know that writing is a complex skill set that often demands a thorough understanding of the conventions and structures of the many different text types or genres?
This ability is required if you are to achieve your writing purpose effectively.
Material Reading oleh Fitri Aprianti
1. In groups, the participants discuss and express their understanding about writing process.
2. Each group create a tree diagram about writing process.
Class, have you ever collaborated in learning with your friends? Well, collaboration is often conducted in learning since it has number of advantages. One of the advantages is that the process of collaborative learning may allow the learner to achieve higher levels of understanding. Moreover, it is stated that the information is retained much longer than if you are to study alone. Therefore, in this stage you will do some learning collaboration with your partners.
1st Meeting Collaboration Room oleh Fitri Aprianti
The students are able to reflect over the process and product of learning.
Class, you have finished the cycle of learning in the first meeting. Now it is the time for you to reflect about your experience in learning.
Syncronous Meeting 1
Please access the following link for the synchronous session of the first meeting.
Please visit the following link to gain the meet recording for our first meeting.
Class, this semester you will create a classbook.
This meeting is intended for you to getting know what a classbook is.
A classbook, in the context of a learning portfolio for students, serves as a medium for tracking and showcasing their learning progress. It is a comprehensive collection of their work, achievements, and reflections throughout their educational journey. This "classbook" can include assignments, projects, essays, artwork, or any other evidence of their learning experiences. It allows students to assess their growth, set goals, and showcase their achievements, making it a valuable tool for both self-assessment and sharing their learning journey with teachers, peers, and possibly future educators or employers.
Class, in this meeting you will have four learning cycles. Those are: Start with Yourself, Concept Exploration, Collaboration, and Stop & Reflect.
Start with Yourself
Start with you is a step where you will express your background knowledge about the topic
Concept Exploration
Concept exploration will lead you into identifying and exploring the promising and feasible ways of creating the writing project.
Collaboration Room
In collaboration room you will be working together as a team to solve problem that will eventually lead to the development of higher-level thinking, self-management, and leadership skills.
Stop and Reflect
Reflection can assist you to develop your writing skills, to better understand the topic you are studying, and to enable you to review your learning progress.
Therefore, please kindly follow the steps.
The students express their understanding about classbook.
Start the cycle of learning in the first meeting by following the stage: “Start with Yourself”.
Use the link provided in this section to express what you know about CLASSBOOK.
The students explore the characteristic of classbook.
Dear Class, this semester you create a PROJECT called CLASSBOOK. Thus to get to know better and further about the CLASSBOOK, please download the file provided in this section.
The students collaborate in group to decide the components of classbook.
Class, the please make the CLASSBOOK PROJECT be yours. Therefore, in groups discuss the aspects that you consider must be included in the CLASSBOOK.
The students express their reflection over the process and product of learning in the material "Classbook".
Class, in order to complete the project, there are number of stages that you need to do. How do you feel about it? How much do you know about the project? Please do reflect on the project in this section.
Class, in this meeting you will have four learning cycles. Those are: Start with Yourself, Concept Exploration, Collaboration, and Stop & Reflect.
The students express their background knowledge about the genre of description.
Start the cycle of learning in the first meeting by following the stage: “Start with Yourself”.
3rd M_Start with You oleh Fitri Aprianti
The students read the material about the genre of description.
Dear Class, this semester you will produce a project on descriptive text called AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Thus to get to know better and further about the AUTOBIOGRAPHY, please study the material provided in this section.
3rd Meeting Concept Exploration oleh Fitri Aprianti
The students watch the video about the genre of description.
Class, there is more to know about AUTOBIOGRAPHY, therefore please explore the material provided in this section.
Desain oleh Fitri Aprianti
Please do reflection on the process and product of your learning.
Class, in this meeting you will have two learning cycles. Those are The construction of the Text and Collaboration.
Make your writing product perfect by doing peer review.
Class, in this meeting you will have two learning cycles. Those are The construction of the Text and Final Results.
Constructing a piece of writing is not an easy way. There are processes that you need to get through. However, the result of following the process can be rewarded.
Now is the time to collect your autobiography.
Class, in this meeting you will have four learning cycles. Those are: Start with Yourself, Concept Exploration, Collaboration, and Stop & Reflect.
Start the cycle of learning in the 6th meeting by following the stage: “Start with Yourself”.
In this section, you will discover more about The Genre of Instructional.
It is the time for some collaboration. In groups, you will have some exercises to enhance your knowledge about instructional text.
Please reflect on the process and product of your learning.
Vote the topic for the Instructional Text.
Constructing a piece of writing is not an easy way. There are processes that you need to get through. However, the result of following the process can be rewarded.
Follow the learning stages.
Start the cycle of learning in the 6th meeting by following the stage: “Start with Yourself”.
In this section, you will discover more about The Genre of Argumentation.
It is the time for some collaboration. In groups, you will have some exercises to enhance your knowledge on expressing your argument.
Here is the learning stages for this meeting.
Select a topic for your argumentative essay.
Explore the AI tool that can help you to become a better writer.
Artificial Intelligence can assist you to review and revise your essay.
Collect your final essay in this section.
Let's start the learning activities with you.
In this section, you will discover more about The Genre of Advertisement.