Ringkasan topik
A Gentle Introduction
In this section, the students will have a general view of what this course is about. Starting from how information systems have been an integral part of any type of organization. When properly set up, it may guide an organization to its peak. Down under the information systems lies data, the "new oil". An organization's data is a "special" asset that needs special "treatment" in order to gain from it.
01 Database: The Core Concepts
This section aims to introduce the students to the core concepts of databases. By finishing this section, the students should be able to:
- describe the reasons behind the existence of a database system,
- contrast between database and database management systems,
- describe the general overview of database design,
- describe the concepts of data requirements and do it systematically.
Data and Database: An Introduction
This subsection covers the core concepts of data, awareness of its existence, how to store and process it, and when database comes into play. The material is accompanied by friendly case studies to help the students reach the section's objectives.
Database Design: An Overview
This subsection draws the general overview of database design processes. This material exposes. This material is essential to guide us into the coming topics.
Data Requirements
This section covers the very first step of developing a database, which is understanding the data requirements. To identify data requirements, the steps are (1) understand the problem at hand, (2) analyze it, and (3) find reinforcement information from similar cases. This material should help the students understand the background of developing a database.
- Data and Database;
- Database Design; and
- Data requriements.
The result can be seen here!
02 Entity-Relationship (ER) Modeling
In this section, the students will learn how to identify data, the relationships between data, and model them for better understanding. Entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is introduced also in this section.
Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)
In this lecture, the students should learn the second step of database design. Once the data requirements are complete, they need to be described so that others can read and understand. In this case, the Entity-Relationship diagram is used to model the data requirements.
Entities and Their Existence
In this lecture, the students should learn the two types of entities and be able to identify them in a problem. The two types are strong and weak entities.
- Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD); and
- Entities and their existence.
The result can be seen here!
Entity Attributes and Primary Keys
Relationship Participation
In this lecture, the students will learn the concepts of entity participation in a relationship. There are two types of participation, namely total and partial participation.
Attribute: Role and Types
Relationship Attributes
- Relationship participation;
- Entity attributes and primary keys;
- Attribute: role and types; and
- Relationship attributes.
The result can be seen here!
03 Relational Data Model
In this section, the students will learn on the core concepts of the relational model along with their constraints. Don't worry, the materials will scratch only the surface.
Relational Data Model
In this lecture, the students should learn the core concepts of the relational model. Some discussion topics are domains, attributes, tuples, and relations.
Data Types
Relation Representation
Translating ERD Into Relational Model
- Relational data model;
- Data types;
- Relation representation; and
- Translating ERD into relational model.
The result can be seen here!
04 Normalization
Functional Dependency
Normalization: 1st Normal Form
In this lecture, the students should learn the core concepts of data normalization, its motivation, and when it should or should not be applied. The normalization process will go from the 1st normal form to the 2nd, and the 3rd.
Normalization: 2nd Normal Form
In this lecture, the students should learn the core concepts of data normalization, its motivation, and when it should or should not be applied. The normalization process will go from the 1st normal form to the 2nd, and the 3rd.
Normalization: 3rd Normal Form
In this lecture, the students should learn the core concepts of data normalization, its motivation, and when it should or should not be applied. The normalization process will go from the 1st normal form to the 2nd, and the 3rd.
- Functional dependency; and
- Normalization.
The result can be seen here!
Introducing SQLab
05 Structured Query Language (SQL)
In this section, the students will learn the basic concept of structured query language (SQL) and how to use it to manipulate a database structure and data. Moreover, the students will also learn how to develop a query to retrieve information.
Structured Query Language (SQL)
In this lecture, the students should learn the use of SQL, the basic syntax, and types of queries.
SQL Statement: CREATE
In this lecture, the students should learn three query clauses to define structure: CREATE, ALTER, and DROP.
- SQL Statement: ALTER
In this lecture, the students should learn three query clauses to define structure: CREATE, ALTER, and DROP.
SQL Statement: DROP
In this lecture, the students should learn three query clauses to define structure: CREATE, ALTER, and DROP.
SQL Statement: INSERT
SQL Statement: UPDATE and DELETE
- SQL Basic Syntax and Types of Queries
- SQL Statement: Create
- SQL Statement: Alter
- SQL Statement: Drop
- SQL Statement: Insert
- SQL Statement: Update and Delete
The result can be seen here!
SQL for Retrieval
In this lecture, the students should learn how to retrieve data using SELECT and JOIN clauses.
SQL Clause: JOIN
- SQL Statement: Select
- SQL Clause: Join
The result can be seen here!
06 Information Systems: The Core Concepts
In this section, the students will learn on the core concepts of information systems and their role in an organization.
Information Systems
- Information Systems
The result can be seen here!
07 Information Security At A Glance
In this section, the students will learn on what are challenges and threats in managing information systems. Moreover, the students will also be exposed to the possible ways to prevent and mitigate such challenges and threats.
Information Security
- Information Security
The result can be seen here!
08 Evaluation
- Data and Database
- Data Requirements
- Entity-Relationship Diagram
- Entities and Their Existence
- Entity Attributes and Primary Keys
- Relationship Participation
- Attribute: Role and Types
- Relationship Attributes
- Relational Data Model
- Data Types
- Relationship Representation
- Translating ERD to Relational Model
- Functional Dependency
- Normal Forms
- Structured Query Language
- SQL Statement and Clause
- Information Systems
- Information Security