Master Program | |||
Dr. Myrza Rahmanita, SE, M.Sc | Dra. Rina Suprina, M.Hum, M.Si.Par 08179870973 |
Welcome to the course on Research Methodology for Hospitality and Tourism
Within this semester, we will be exploring and discussing about Research Methodology for Hospitality and Tourism.
Course Description
The course emphasizes research concepts, in order to help students understand scientific research as an integrated process of thinking and an exciting enterprise. We want students to appreciate that science involves the continuous interplay of rationalism and empiricism, a combination that makes stringent demands on the nature of evidence and the research methods used.
By the time you complete this course, it is expected that you will be able to:
- Recognize the characteristics of science and scientific research
- Demonstrate and understanding the research process
- Identify the research problems, theoretical/conceptual framework, research design, measurement
- Demonstrate and understanding of a wide range of techniques for sampling, data collection and data analysis
- Discriminate between different methods and their application
- Develop the research proposal and report writingThe assignments are designed to develop and demonstrate theseskills.
During the course, we urge each of you to:
- Read the materials provided as well as surf the net for more resources
- Follow the schedule diligently
- Participate in the face-to-face meetings
- Participate in online discussion forum
- Do the given assignment and submit it at the given time
- Work collaboratively in group as well as work on individual basis
Individual and team assignments will be given to class participants. Evaluation results of assignments will be included in the final student evaluation
No | Description | % |
1 | Assginment (Individua, Group, Quiz) | 20 |
2 | Mid Assginment | 30 |
3 | Final Assginment | 50 |
- Science and Scientific Research
- Klasifikasi Penelitian Dasar & Hipotesis
- Variabel
- Sampel dan Teknik Pengumpulan Data
- Teknik Penarikan Sampel
- Ukuran Sampel
- Pengujian Hipotesis
- Analisis Varians dan Analisis Data
Recommended Text
- Sugiarto dan Florentina. Metodologi Penelitian. Matana Publishing. 2014.
- Sugiarto. Metode Statistika Bisnis. Matana Publishing. 2015.
- Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Manajemen. Alfabeta. 2014.
- Cooper. Business Research Methods. Mc.Graw Hill. 14th.Ed, 2010.
- A.J. Veal. Research Methods for Leisure and Tourism: A Practical Guide, 3/E. Pearson. 2006.
- Berg, Bruce L. Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Pearson. 7th.Ed. 2009.
- Altinay. Planning Research in Hospitality and Tourism. Butterworth-H.
- Liamputtong, P. and Ezzy, D. (2005).Qualitative research methods. 2nd Ed. Melbourne: Oxford University Press
- Denzin, N. and Lincoln, Y. (eds) (1999). Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.