Referensi Topik 4

Course: Pengantar Arsitektur
Book: Referensi Topik 4
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Date: Friday, 31 January 2025, 3:56 PM


Elyacoubi, Elyasse, “Psychology and architecture, what relationship? A Psychological Approach to the Traditional Moroccan House”, a paper published in the Internet, ElyasSoft Virtual Site, 1999. 

Ingold, Tim, The Perception of the Environment: Essays on Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill,
Abingdon: Routledge 2000

Gappell, Millicent, “Psychoneuro-immunology”, a paper presented in the fourth symposium on Healthcare Design, Boston, MA, 1991.

Lang, Jon, “Creating Architectural Theory: The Role of the Behavioral Sciences in Environmental Design”, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, USA, 1987. 

Lawrence, Attila, “Learning about Human Spatial Behavior, Cyper space is a good place to start”, a paper published in the Internet, web page:, 2005

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