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Jumlah balasan: 8

1. Mengapa penelitian disebut sebagai "proses yang sistematis"

2. Terdapat beberapa proses dalam oenelitian, yang pertama adalah mengidentifikasi masalah. Mengapa dalam penelitian perlu melakukan identifikasi masalah?

3. Apa yang perlu dituliskan pada bagian latar belakang masalah?

4. Apakah dalam menulis tugas akhir berupa proposal dan skripsi perlu memperhatikan sistematika atau isi yang sudah ditetapkan oleh kampus, mengapa?

(Edited by WIWIK MARDIANA - original submission Tuesday, 24 September 2024, 10:49 AM)

Sebagai balasan ANNISAH ANNISAH

Re: Discussion

1. Research must be carried out through certain steps that are logical and orderly in accordance with a system that has been set up so that it can explain the cause-and-effect chain of a research object.
2. ⁠Problem identification is an important step that must be done first, because by identifying the problem, researchers can know exactly what problem is occurring, how to carry out appropriate research, and what solutions can be made to overcome the problem.
3. ⁠Background information should indicate the root of the problem being researched, the actual context of the problem in relation to theory, research, and/or practice, its scope, and the extent to which previous research has successfully investigated the problem, noting, in particular, each problem under study . existing gaps. is in your research.
4. ⁠Proposal writing is systematic, both for activity and research proposals. This systematicity is needed because the proposal is scientific, official and read by many people.

(Edited by WIWIK MARDIANA - original submission Thursday, 3 October 2024, 8:24 AM)

Sebagai balasan ANNISAH ANNISAH

Re: Discussion

1. Penelitian (research) dapat diartikan sebagai upaya atau cara kerja yang sistematis untuk menjawab permasalahan atau pertanyaan dengan jalan mengumpulkan data dan merumuskan generalisasi berdasarkan data tersebut dan sebagai proses pemecahan masalah dalam menemukan serta mengembangkan batang tubuh pengetahuan yang terorganisasikan melalui metode ilmiah. Kemudian maka penelitian pendidikan dapat diartikan sebagai proses yang sistematis untuk memperoleh pengetahuan (to discover knowledge) dan pemecahan masalah (problem solver) pendidikan melalui metode ilmiah, baik dalam pengumpulan maupun analisis datanya, serta membuat rumusan generalisasi berdasarkan penafsiran data tersebut.

2. Karena identifikasi masalah merupakan langkah awal yang dilakukan oleh peneliti sebelum melakukan dan menuliskan hasil penelitiannya menjadi sebuah karya ilmiah. Identifikasi masalah ini memang tidak selalu dituliskan dalam karya ilmiah, namun menjadi bagian yang penting dalam sebuah penelitian.

3.-Menuliskan bidang atau permasalahan yang diminati dengan jelas.
-Menetapkan konteks dengan memberikan tulisan singkat dari bahan literatur terdahulu yang penulis pilih.
-Tuliskan hipotesis dari masalah yang kamu bahas dalam latar belakang.

4.Iya harus memperhatikan sistematika karena permasalahan yang diangkat dapat terlihat dan pembahasan serta pembedahan masalah itu dapat mudah dipahami

(Edited by WIWIK MARDIANA - original submission Thursday, 3 October 2024, 8:36 AM)

Sebagai balasan ANNISAH ANNISAH

Re: Discussion

1. Research is called systematic because it has regular and structured steps. Each stage is interrelated and must be carried out sequentially. The goal is to obtain valid, reliable, and objective results.

2. Identifying the problem is a crucial first step. This is important because:
a. Focuses the research: Helps the researcher to set a clear direction for the research.
b. Research Objectives: Determines the objectives to be achieved from the research.
c. Research Benefits: Shows the contribution of research to a particular field of science.
d. Theory Development: Opens up opportunities to develop new theories or concepts.

3. This section explains the context of the problem to be studied. The contents include literature review, research gap, urgency of the problem, problem formulation.

4. Yes, it is very important to pay attention to the systematics set by the campus. Reasons:
a. Standardisation: Ensures the quality and uniformity of the final project.
b. Ease of Evaluation: Facilitate the supervisor in evaluating.
c. Professionalism: Shows the student's ability to follow academic rules.

(Edited by WIWIK MARDIANA - original submission Thursday, 3 October 2024, 8:44 AM)

Sebagai balasan ANNISAH ANNISAH

Re: Discussion

1. Research is called a systematic process because research has structured steps or stages, starting from problem formulation to conclusions. this process must be done sequentially so that it can be verified and tested.
2. Problem identification is important in research because the problem is the starting point that determines the direction of the entire research. Without good problem identification, research can lose direction and become ineffective.
3.In the background of the problem, it is necessary to include supporting data or information that reinforces the urgency of the research, as well as the problem or phenomenon on which the research is based. The background helps readers understand the research problem more clearly and relevantly.
4.I think yes, because each campus usually has guidelines or scientific writing formats that are in accordance with their academic standards and follow the existing systematics to ensure that the writing meets the applicable evaluation criteria, facilitates testing, and maintains quality and accuracy from a scientific perspective.

(Edited by WIWIK MARDIANA - original submission Thursday, 3 October 2024, 8:58 AM)

Sebagai balasan ANNISAH ANNISAH

Re: Discussion

1.Why is research called a “systematic process”?
Research is called a systematic process because it follows a structured procedure that aims to achieve certain goals objectively.
Each stage of research, from problem identification to data collection and analysis to conclusions, is managed with a certain method to ensure valid and reliable results.
2.Why is it necessary to identify problems in research?
Problem identification is important in research because it is the basis of the entire research process.
Without a clear problem, research objectives cannot be set, and researchers have difficulty determining what steps to take.
Identifying the problem allows researchers to focus on relevant problems and determine the right method to solve them.
3.What should I write in the Background of the Problem section?
The Background of the Problem section must explain the background of the problem being studied, including why the problem is important to the research.
This includes an overview of the problem faced, supporting data or facts, and the reasons why the problem is relevant to the research discussion.
The goal is to provide a clear understanding of the importance of the research.
4.Do I need to pay attention to the system or content determined by the campus when writing a proposal or thesis?
Yes, caution is required.
Content is determined by the system or campus.
Each campus has writing guidelines designed to ensure consistency, academic quality, and completeness of the information presented in proposals and papers.
Following these guidelines will help readers, supervisors, and examiners assess papers fairly and systematically.

(Edited by WIWIK MARDIANA - original submission Thursday, 3 October 2024, 10:11 AM)

Sebagai balasan ANNISAH ANNISAH

Re: Discussion

1. Why is research called a "systematic process"?
Research is called a systematic process because it involves structured and well-planned steps. Each stage in research, from problem identification to data analysis and reporting of results, is carried out sequentially and logically to ensure that the results obtained are valid and reliable.

2. Why is it necessary to identify problems in research?
Problem identification is the first and most important step in research because it determines the focus and direction of research. By identifying problems, researchers can understand what needs to be investigated, why it is important, and how the research can contribute to solving the problem or increasing knowledge in the field.

3. What needs to be written in the background of the problem section?
In the background of the problem section, you need to explain the context and reasons why the problem is important to research. This includes:
- An explanation of the problem at hand.
- Data or facts that support the existence of the problem.
- The impact of the problem if not addressed.
- A review of relevant literature to show what is already known and what still needs to be researched.

4. When writing a final assignment in the form of a proposal and thesis, do we need to pay attention to the systematics or content that has been set by the campus, why?
Yes, it is very important to pay attention to the systematics or content that has been set by the campus. This is because:
- Academic Standards : Each campus has academic standards that must be followed to ensure the quality and consistency of research.
- Assessment : Following the established guidelines helps ensure that your final assignment meets the predetermined assessment criteria.
- Clarity and Order : A clear structure makes it easier for readers, including supervisors and examiners, to understand your research.
Sebagai balasan ANNISAH ANNISAH

Re: Discussion

1. Why is research called a "systematic process"?
Research is considered a systematic process because it follows a structured and organized approach. It involves clearly defined steps, such as identifying a problem, reviewing literature, formulating hypotheses, collecting data, analyzing results, and drawing conclusions. This methodical sequence ensures that the research is objective, reliable, and valid.

2. Why is problem identification necessary in research?
Identifying the problem is crucial in research because it defines the focus and purpose of the study. Without a clear understanding of the problem, the research lacks direction, making it difficult to establish objectives, formulate research questions, or choose appropriate methods. Identifying a problem ensures that the research addresses a specific gap or issue that needs investigation.

3. What needs to be written in the background of the problem?
In the background of the problem section, you should provide context for the research problem, including the broader issues or challenges that lead to the problem. It should include a discussion of the significance of the topic, a review of relevant literature, and an explanation of why the problem is important to study. It sets the stage for the research question by showing the current state of knowledge and the gap that the research aims to fill.

4. Is it necessary to follow the structure or content prescribed by the university when writing a thesis proposal or final project, and why?
Yes, it is necessary to follow the structure or content prescribed by the university because each institution typically has specific guidelines to ensure consistency, quality, and academic standards. Adhering to these guidelines helps ensure that the research is presented clearly and professionally and meets the academic requirements for evaluation.
Sebagai balasan ANNISAH ANNISAH

Re: Discussion

1. Mengapa penelitian disebut sebagai "proses yang sistematis"?
Research must be systematic because a systematic approach ensures consistency, reliability, and validity throughout the research process. Here are several reasons why being systematic is crucial:

Clear Structure: A systematic approach provides a clear framework for organizing the study, from problem identification to data collection and analysis. This ensures that the research flows logically and is easy to follow.

Reproducibility: Systematic research allows others to replicate the study and verify results. This is essential for scientific credibility and helps build trust in the findings.

Accuracy: Following a structured method reduces the chance of errors or bias. It ensures that every step of the process is thought out and executed carefully, leading to more accurate and reliable conclusions.

Objective Decision Making: A systematic process minimizes subjective judgments and allows researchers to make decisions based on evidence and established procedures rather than intuition or bias.

Efficient Use of Resources: By systematically planning each stage, researchers can allocate time, effort, and resources more efficiently, avoiding unnecessary repetition or missed steps.

Data Consistency: A systematic approach ensures consistency in how data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted. This makes it easier to compare findings and draw valid conclusions.