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ICT-based Instructional Design
Sastra (dan Bahasa) Inggris
ICT - BID - 20231
W1: Exploring Students Learning
W1 Item to discuss!!
W1 Item to discuss!!
Terakhir diubah: Wednesday, 14 September 2022, 18:26
Aktivitas sebelumnya
◄ ISTE Standards
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Assessment Method and Rubric
Course Syllabus
Survey 1: Team Building
W1 - Materi 1 Exploring Students Learning
W1-Types of media
ISTE Standards
Meeting 2: Principles of effective technology utilization
Meeting 2: Principles of effective media use
Meeting 2: The principles of Assessment
Meeting 2: Assignment - Case Studi 1
Meeting 3 Video: Analyze Students
Meeting 4: Digital Learning Environment
Meeting 4: Learning Strategies
Meeting 4: Learning Context
Meeting 4: Free and inexpensive materials
Meeting 4: Discussion Forum
Meeting 4 Video for Step 3 Select Strategies and Resources
Meeting 5 - Participation vs engagement
Meeting 5: Bring your own device (BYOD)
Meeting 5: Further Reading
W5 Video: Learner Participation
Meeting 6 - Digital Classroom
Meeting 6 - Web 2.0 for Learning
W 6-7: Example report Web 2.0
Mid Semester : Project Progres Report
Reflective Essay and Peer Assessment
W8 Video: STEP 2 ASSURE Set Standard and Objectives
Meeting 8- Distance Learning or Hybrid Flexible Learning
Meeting 9- Multimedia Learning
Meeting 9: Let's Discuss
Meeting 10: Canvas for the Foreign Language Classroom
Meeting 10 - Designing Learning Objectives Materiasl
Meeting 10 Video: Step 4 Utilizing Resources
Meeting 10: Let's Discuss
Meeting 11 - Materi 1
Meeting 11: Let's Discuss
Meeting 12 - Designing Multimedia Teaching Materials
Meeting 12: Let's Discuss
Meeting 13 - Implementation of technology for Assessment
Meeting 13: Let's Discuss
Meeting 14 - characteristics of 21st century teacher
Meeting 14: 21st century environments
Meeting 14: Let's Discuss
Aktivitas berikutnya
Meeting 2: Principles of effective technology utilization ►
Bagian kursus
Welcome to ICT-based Instructional Design
W1: Exploring Students Learning
2. Designing Instruction and Assessing Learning
3. Integrating technology and media into instruction
4. Designing Digital Learning Environment
5. Engaging Students with Digital Devices
6-7. Connecting Learners with Web 2.0 Tools
Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS)
8. Connecting Learners with Distance
9. Using Multimedia to Engage learners
10. Enhancing Learning with Visual, audio and Video
11. Digital games and Language Learning
12. Designing Multimedia content
13. Designing Assessment
14. Preparing Tomorrow Challenges
Ujian Akhir Semester