Meeting 4: Digital Learning Environment

A Learning Environment is an ecosystem of people, values, practices, content, physical spaces and technology. It is the classroom, lab, online spaces, and library; the teachers and students; the course curriculum and materials; the learning activities; and the integrated tools and devices; all of which are essential for learning, communication, and collaboration.  Digital Learning Environment graphic

Why Digital?

The learning environment is becoming increasingly digital as technology resources help extend and individualize learning. One of the hallmarks of a Digital Learning Environment is that it can provide the instructor and students with access to a collection of resources to customize their approach to teaching and learning. Understanding how to best integrate those resources for your own teaching is at the heart of the DLE. 

What’s a DLE?

A Digital Learning Environment is the collection of resources instructors can use to customize their approach to teaching and learning with technology.  


  1. University Level Overseas
  2. University Level Indonesia 
  3. School

Terakhir diubah: Thursday, 29 September 2022, 19:40