W8 Video: STEP 2 ASSURE Set Standard and Objectives

S – State Standards and Objectives

After the analysis of the learner attributes, the teacher must state standards and objectives for the learning module. This statement consists of a specification of what the learners will be able to do as a result of the instruction.

To be more concrete about things, this statement will focus on what the learner will know or be able to do as a result of the instruction. An example of this is with medical students. The learners will be able to name at least two databases and two search techniques that they can use to locate medical evidence for particular cases.

The objectives can be used in assessing the success of the students, perhaps for the grading process. Also, you can use them to let the learners know what they will accomplish through the class.

The mark of a good set of learning objectives is conformity to the ABCDs of well-stated learning objectives. They are as follows:

  • Audience – For whom is the objective intended?
  • Behavior – What is the behavior or performance to be demonstrated?
  • Conditions – What are the conditions under which the behavior or performance will be observed?
  • Degree – To what degree will the knowledge or skill be mastered?

The objectives statement should be formulated with verbs that pinpoint the learning objective. A useful guide to the appropriate verbs to use is contained in Bloom’s Taxonomy. Remember that assessment can only be based on your learners’ behavior. A learner may know some material backwards and forwards but may not be able to perform well on a test

Terakhir diubah: Tuesday, 12 December 2023, 10:51