Now that you have completed all the previous activities in this course. You can review your experience and reflect on the for your future learning. Completing this reflection will help you in the future when you have similar course with similar objective, tasks or activities. The final reflection is for you to collect, review, and reflect on your work. You will NOT submit anything for this task.
At the end of each meeting in this course you completed series of activities in a theme-based and serial news stories monologues. Using listening stages, pre-listening, whilst-listening, and post listening activities, participants are encouraged to self-listen similar news stories monologues they are familiar with different speech rates (slower to normal speech rates). Before they arrive at the main listening activity, instructors guided the participants to activate their background knowledge activation about the topic. This listening stage aims at triggering their initial knowledge which will help their initial comprehension in the beginning of the meeting using pictures and videos related topic. Their comprehension is then confirmed through listening. Additionally, they need to reflect their learning in post-listening stage through text-reconstruction (dictogloss writing). Thus, they can produce their own similar texts collaboratively with their respective groups.
In general, there are two expected outcomes this program want to achieve. Firstly, participants will learn the content or information of each news stories. Secondly, participants will develop their listening fluency started from slower to normal speech rates. Meanwhile, to achieve these instructional objectives, they are taught comprehending the learning indicators such as listening for gists, listening for specific information, and listening for inferences. Anchored in the principles of extensive listening (EL) used in the course, participants will likely develop their fluency if the materials are according to their language proficiency level and massive in which they can listen to the news stories they have been familiar with their pace. More additionally, they can self-listen repeatedly and check their own comprehension using listening log. Review your work in these end-of-module tasks. Think about the questions below as you read your work.
1. How can this program encourage you to learn listening and develop your listening fluency?
2. What are the TWO most important ideas that you have learned in this course?
3. What are your next steps to learn listening autonomously with the help of technology or e-learning?
4. What do you think will be your biggest challenge in conducting online listening course?
After reviewing all your work and reflecting on the process in general. Write 2-4 sentences to answer each question above. Save your answers to help you learning.