Introduction to Political Science

Course Description
This course is designed to be an introduction to the basic concepts of political science where students will progress through the topics of approaches to political science, political executive, legislature and judiciary. In addition, this course intends to establish the political socialization and culture, political communication and public opinion, political party, political participation and general election, political ideology, democracy, and human rights- that will equip students with the concepts necessary to develop understanding in political science.
Course Objectives
On completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Comprehend the concepts, analyses, and activities that comprise basic concepts in political science;
- Improve their analytical skills and use them to assess and solve political problems;
- Gain a critical view of the major perspectives and theoretical approaches in political science in order to evaluate the appropriate use of basic concepts in political science.
Learning and Teaching Methods
A range of learning and teaching strategies will be utilized to develop intellectual and cognitive skills that will enable students to meet the learning objectives. These are likely to include: lectures, presentations, and in-class activities, such as case discussion, and experiential exercises.
Course Components and Assessments
The grade components and the associated weights are as follows:
- In-class participation : 15%
The class participation grade will be based on attendance, the quality and quantity of in-class participation, quizzes, and assigned exercises.
- Assignments : 25%
Students will be required to submit one written assignments during the semester.
- Mid Term Exam : 30%
The mid term exam is a closed-book exam that will cover contents from session 1 to session 7.
- Final Exam : 30%
The final exam is a closed-book exam that will cover contents from session 9 to session 15.
Note: Attendance, which is mandatory, will be taken in accordance with the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences policy. In this semester, students are not allowed to take final exam, if they miss four classes in maximum.
- Compulsory References :
- Hague, Rod and Martin Harrop (1998). Comparative Government and Politics; An Introduction, 5th Edition. New York, Palgrave.
- Ranney, Austin (1993). Governing: An Introduction to Political Science. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
- Additional References : additional reference will be advised further in the lecture.
- Suggestion References :
- Budiardjo, Miriam (2008). Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Politik Edisi Revisi. Jakarta, Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Please do not hesitate to contact me for any inquiries related to the course: