Ringkasan topik

  • Brief Description



    Welcome to the Financial Management class (3 SKS/Universitas Telkom). 

    This is the course for the Magister class and equivalent for 3 credit earnings. 

    In this course, students learn to understand the basics of corporate financial management and make the right decisions to increase the value of the corporation. In order to support an interesting and creative learning process, this course is also equipped with the concepts of project-based assignment and case-based assignment. Students will learn about Principles of Financial Management, Concept and Analysis of Financial Statements, Time Value of Money, Stock and Bond Valuation, Working Capital Management, Capital Structure and Leverage, Dividend Policy, Investment Evaluation, and Capital Budgeting. 

    By learning from this course, students are projected to:

    1. Be able to identify financial management and investment problems (Course Learning Outcome - 1)
    2. Be able to provide creative solutions using tools and methodologies to solve company financial problems, investment decisions, and funding decisions (Course Learning Outcome - 2)

    In order to pass this class, students have to carefully consider this requirement below:

    1. Quiz (5%)
    2. Project based assignment and Structured Debate (25%)
    3. Case based assignment and Structured Debate (30%)
    4. Group assignment and presentation (15%)
    5. Mid Exam (12.5%)
    6. Final Exam (12.5%)

    In the Program Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ) or Distance Learning Program that you participate in, for each lecture meeting you are required to attend (i) scheduled lecture meetings, and carry out activities (ii) independent study. Scheduled lectures can be done by 4 methods:
    1. Face-to-face Lecture Meeting by Online Learning. This is a scheduled learning activity in the form of face-to-face meetings online through various video conferencing applications (google meet, zoom, cludx, etc.)
    2. Face-to-face Lecture Meetings in Classrooms. This is a scheduled learning activity in the form of face-to-face meetings in the classroom at the established Pusat Belajar Jarak Jauh (PBJJ) or Distance Learning Center.
    3. Synchronous Online Tutorial. This is a scheduled learning activity in the form of a discussion/conversation forum at CeLOE LMS in a relatively short period of time (maximum according to the duration of the scheduled study) and is carried out in real-time.
    4. Asynchronous Online Tutorials. This is a scheduled learning activity in the form of a discussion/conversation forum at CeLOE LMS in a relatively long period of time (maximum one week) and is not carried out in real-time.

    The case learning method will be applied in almost every lecture meeting. Read and study the case given well, discuss it in the discussion forum in the LMS according to the predetermined group. Activities in discussion forums and submission of answers determine the assessment of case assignments.

  • Class 1: Principles of Financial Management

    Topic: Principles of Financial Management 

    Lecture Meeting Model: Face-to-face Lecture Meeting by Online Learning

    Lecturer: Dr. Anisah Firli

    Schedule: 20 September 2021

    This topic lays the groundwork for what will be covered in the following topics. First, a financial manager must understand the company's goals and how to achieve them. Second, understand the role and contribution of the finance department in achieving company goals. Third, understand some of the principles in financial management.

  • Class 2: Concept and Analysis of Financial Statements

    Topic: Concept and Analysis of Financial Statements, An Overview of the Firm’s

    Lecture Meeting Model: Face-to-face Lecture Meeting by Online Learning

    Lecturer: Dr. Anisah Firli

    Schedule: 1 October 2021

    In this course, student will learn about the accounting principles used to prepare financial statements, income statement, and balance sheet.

  • Class 3: Project based assignment

    Topic: Project based assignment

    Lecture Meeting Model: Asynchronous Online

    Lecturer: Dr. Anisah Firli

    Schedule: 4-6 October 2021

    In this meeting, students from group A are expected to upload their group assignment. While students from group B are expected to access those assignments, and give their comments and analysis in structured essay.

  • Class 4: Project based assignment

    Topic: Project based assignment

    Lecture Meeting Model: Face-to-face Lecture Meeting by Online Learning

    Lecturer: Dr. Anisah Firli

    Schedule: 8 October 2021

    In this meeting, students from group B are expected to upload their structured comment for the group assignment. The class will be held online, each group will do the presentation, while the other group will give their opinion in structured debate.

  • Class 5: Time Value of Money

    Topic: Time Value of Money

    Lecture Meeting Model: Synchronous Online

    Lecturer: Dr. Irni Yunita

    Schedule: 12 October 2021

    In this course, student will learn about the the present and future value of money.

  • Class 6: Stock and Bond Valuation

    Topic: Stock and Bond Valuation

    Lecture Meeting Model: Asynchronous Online

    Lecturer: Dr. Irni Yunita

    Schedule: 14 October 2021

    In this course, student will learn about the valuation of preferred stocks and common stocks, expected rate of return on preferred stocks and common stocks, characteristics and types of bonds, bond valuation, bonds returns

  • Class 7: Working Capital Management

    Topic: Working Capital Management

    Lecture Meeting Model: Face-to-face Lecture Meeting by Online Learning

    Lecturer: Dr. Noor Ashikin Mohd Rom (Multimedia University, Malaysia)

    Schedule: 11 October 2021

    In this course, student will learn about working-capital management and the risk-return tradeoff, working-capital policy, operating and cash, managing current liabilities, managing the firm’s investment in current

  • Mid Term Examination

    Schedule: 15 October 2021, 18.30-20.45 WIB.

  • Class 8: Capital Structure and Leverage

    Topic: Capital Structure and Leverage 

    Lecture Meeting Model: Face-to-face Lecture Meeting by Online Learning

    Lecturer: Dr. Irni Yunita

    Schedule: 21 October 2021

    In this course, student will learn about target capital structure, business risk, operating leverage, financial risk, financial leverage, the capital structure, determining the optimal capital structure

  • Class 9: Case based assignment

    Topic: Case based assignment

    Lecture Meeting Model: Asynchronous Online. 

    Lecturer: Dr. Irni Yunita

    Schedule: 23-24 October 2021

    In this meeting, students from group A are expected to upload their group assignment. While students from group B are expected to access those assignments, and give their comments and analysis in structured essay.

  • Class 10: Case based assignment

    Topic: Case based assignment

    Lecture Meeting Model: Face-to-face Lecture Meeting by Online Learning

    Lecturer: Dr. Irni Yunita

    Schedule: 25 October 2021

    In this meeting, students from group B are expected to upload their structured comment for the group assignment. The class will be held online, each group will do the presentation, while the other group will give their opinion in structured debate.

  • Class 11: Dividend Policy

    Topic: Dividend Policy 

    Lecture Meeting Model: Asynchronous Online

    Lecturer: Dr. Irni Yunita

    Schedule: 28-30 October 2021

    In this course, student will learn about the fundamentals of dividend policy, the dividend policy theory, the constant payout ratio of dividend policy, regular dividend policy, stock dividends

  • Class 12: Investment Evaluation

    Topic: Investment Evaluation 

    Lecture Meeting Model: Asynchronous Online

    Guest Lecturer: Dr. Dadan Rahadian (expert in investment analysis)

    Schedule: 1-3 November 2021

    In this course, student will learn about the motives and process of capital budgeting, decision making and project evaluation, cash flow, initial investment

  • Class 13: Capital Budgeting

    Topic: Capital Budgeting  

    Lecture Meeting Model: Asynchronous Online

    Lecturer: Dr. Dadan Rahadian

    Schedule: 4-6 November 2021

    In this course, student will learn about the capital budgeting stages, the capital budgeting decisions, net present value, the internal rate of return, modified internal rate of return

    • Group #1 discussion room for the case of Franklin Lumber - Capital Budgeting Procedures Forum
      Terbatas Tidak tersedia kecuali: Anda termasuk Group-1_MM-45-PJJ02
    • Group #2 discussion room for the case of Franklin Lumber - Capital Budgeting Procedures Forum
      Terbatas Tidak tersedia kecuali: Anda termasuk Group-2_MM-45-PJJ02
    • Group #3 discussion room for the case of Franklin Lumber - Capital Budgeting Procedures Forum
      Terbatas Tidak tersedia kecuali: Anda termasuk Group-3_MM-45-PJJ02
    • Group #4 discussion room for the case of Franklin Lumber - Capital Budgeting Procedures Forum
      Terbatas Tidak tersedia kecuali: Anda termasuk Group-4_MM-45-PJJ02
    • Group #5 discussion room for the case of Franklin Lumber - Capital Budgeting Procedures Forum
      Terbatas Tidak tersedia kecuali: Anda termasuk Group-5_MM-45-PJJ02
    • Group #6 discussion room for the case of Franklin Lumber - Capital Budgeting Procedures Forum
      Terbatas Tidak tersedia kecuali: Anda termasuk Group-6_MM-45-PJJ02
    • Group #7 discussion room for the case of Franklin Lumber - Capital Budgeting Procedures Forum
      Terbatas Tidak tersedia kecuali: Anda termasuk Group-7_MM-45-PJJ02
    • Group #8 discussion room for the case of Franklin Lumber - Capital Budgeting Procedures Forum
      Terbatas Tidak tersedia kecuali: Anda termasuk Group-8_MM-45-PJJ02
  • Class 14: Group Presentation

    Topic: Group Presentation 

    Lecture Meeting Model: Face-to-face Lecture Meeting by Online Learning

    Lecturer: Dr. Dadan Rahadian

    Schedule: Wednesday, 10 November 2021

    In this meeting, students will do a group presentation to discuss their findings about the case study.

  • Final Term Examination


    TAHUN AKADEMIK 2021/2022

    Mata Kuliah                 :  Manajemen Keuangan
    Hari/Tanggal                :  Selasa, 16 November 2021
    Waktu                            :  18.30-20.45 WIB
    Sifat Ujian                    : Ujian serentak terjadwal

    Petunjuk: Silakan kerjakan soal berikut, jawaban boleh di tulis tangan maupun di ketik