Ringkasan topik

  • I. Pengantar

  • II. Dasar-dasar Sistem Operasi

  • III. Critical-Section, Perangkat Lunak dan Perangkat Keras

  • IV. Konsep dasar Deadlock

  • V. Perangkat Keras Memori

  • VI. Perangkat Keras Penyimpanan dan I\O

  • VII. Thread, Attacks, dan Kriptografi

  • VIII. Evaluasi Tengah Semester

  • IX. Konsep Sistem Operasi - Sistem Operasi Open Source

  • X. Sistem Operasi Windows

  • XI. Sistem Operasi iOs

  • XII. Start with the Essential Question

  • XIII. Design a Plan for the Project - Create a Scedule

  • XIV. Monitor the Students and the Progress of the Project - Assess the Outcome

  • XV. Evaluate the Experience 1

  • XVI. Evaluate the Experience 2