Bahan Kajian (Materi Ajar Mata Kuliah)
Temen-temen CVisioner berikut ini informasi mengenai bahan-bahan kajian pada mata kuliah selama satu semester. Bahan kajian adalah konten esensial yang dicapai pada satu periode pembelajaran (babakan).
Metode Filtering dan Enhancement Techniques
- Low-pass filter
- High-pass filter
- Contrast Stretching and Histogram Equalization
- Interpolation method
Image Segmentation
- Contour Segmentation: Canny Edge Detection
- Otsu’s thresholding
- Region-based segmentation using watershed and Mean-Shift method
Feature Extraction
- Color-based feature descriptors: metode color histograms atau color moments
- Texture-based feature descriptors: teknik local binary patterns (LBP),SIFT
- Shape Feature descriptor using Chain Code and SURF
Camera Model and Video Analysis
- Pairwise and global alignment
- Image stitching
- Motion-based feature descriptors: optical flow
Object Recognition and Neural network
- Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning
- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
- Architectures of CNN